Biographical Information

I am 40 years old. I am 5 feet 7 inches tall. I have brown hair and green eyes.

My wife's name is Cindy. She is 45

We have 4 children from my wife's first marrage (2 boys and 2 girls) and 3 grand children. Bobby Joe age 26, Jason age 25, Jennifer age 19, and Jill age 18, The grandson William who will be 4in august and Shelby age 3 who lives in Illinois.
And Kelly-Kaye Elaine born on June 29th 1999 at 1:41pm 6 pounds 11 onces.
And now we have a new granddaughter, Alyssia Lynn Fisher who was born on Nov 1st. 2000.

Well it's happened again. Another new grandchild. My daughter Jill Just had a new baby. Bethany Joyce Fisher. Born Oct 28, 2001 She weighs 5 lbs 10 oz and is 19 inches long.